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Personal Experiences


Dr. Walter Janke

Dr. Walter Janke

Renowned heart surgeon Dr. Walter Janke and his wife philanthropist Lalita Janke arrived in Bangladesh to see the projects of Food Relief International which as board members they had long supported. They visited F.R.I.'s annual free medical eye camp where they witnessed 2,600 patients treated and over 100 operations successfully performed. At the end of the trip, Mrs Lalita Janke wrote, "It was an incredible and memorable experience to see how so few do so much for so many in need of kindness and service."

Edward J. George

Edward J. George

Several years ago, my wife Marcia, and I, had the rare privilege of visiting Mother Rytasha and seeing some of the projects of Food Relief International the charity that she founded. At the charity’s medical camp a voluntary team of six heart surgeons and one eye surgeon, in the course of a day and a half performed a miracle, diagnosing and treating over 6,000 patients, dispensing antibiotics and other drugs to treat infections, making appointments for heart surgery, and performing 27 eye operations. We also visited one of her schools in an awful slum of makeshift, windowless shacks. It was hard to believe that hope could rise from such squalor, but there it was in the eager faces of the students. They could hardly contain their excitement and pride, nor could the illiterate parents their gratitude that someone cared. Improbable as it may seem, it was a thrilling scene to witness for you knew that if they had any chance for a better future, it lay in the tools of education that Mother Rytasha was providing them. And they were seizing it.

Hassan Ali

Hassan Ali

"Serving in The Servants of Charity-Food Relief International has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. I have truly been blessed with this opportunity to serve amongst the ‘poorest of the poor’, providing free medical treatments and operations; and working with the children of the world to entertain and teach the positive values that will guide us towards a brighter future. I have seen first hand the immense joy the charity brings to the people, and so too is my own heart continually uplifted by this experience. This a pure work of Love.

In bearing the honor as a Chairman in the charity, it is my heartfelt commitment to continue and grow all the wonderful projects of F.R.I. around the world for as long and as far as is practically possible. May the Lord grand us the ability and facility to do this good work."



"Food Relief International does such incredible service in so many ways. They are truly working from LOVE and helping people in need in ways large "charity" organizations often times can't even approach. I was fortunate enough to experience helping at a small eye clinic in Benares, India. This small act of giving support and comfort to people in so much need has enriched my life in more ways than words can describe. There is an opening of compassion here, the blessing of connecting with people who on the surface seem so different. The coming together in charity and service brings us to realize the beauty and depth of connection that exits between all life. I am so grateful for my association with Mother Rytasha and Food Relief International. "


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